Search results for: 'fruits strong'
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- fruits
- fruits the
- Fruitschnaps
- fruits tee
- strong goods
- Rosen-Marillen Likör - Rose Apricot Liqueur 25 % vol
With the seductive taste of a special apricot variety.
- Cassis Likör - Cassis Liqueur 20 % vol
The fruity liqueur with the slightly tart notes of blackcurrant.
- Pflümli Schnaps - Plum Schnapps 40,0 % vol
Traditional schnapps speciality with house plums from standard trees.
- Wild Heidelbeer Likör - Wild Blueberry Liqueur 16 % vol
With a juicy, sweet and sour taste of the small, blue berries.
- Alte Wald-Himbeere - Old Forest Raspberry Schnapps 41 % vol
The taste of raspberries and the refined oaky note are an unbeatable combination.
- Alter Bodensee-Apfel - Old Lake Constance Apple Schnapps 41 % vol
With the typical taste of sun-ripened apples from the Leiblachtal valley.