Search results for: 'häusle'
- Alte Haus-Zwetschke - Old House Plum 41 % vol
The aromatic fruity House Plum makes this schnapps a speciality
- Hafele Meisterwurz Geist - Hafele Masterwort Brandy 45 % vol
With the intense, spicy scent of the ancient medicinal plant from the Alps.
- Hafele Enzian Brand - Hafele Gentian Brandy 45 % vol
The earthy notes of the root provide a very special taste experience.
- Hafele Sanddorn Brand - Hafele Sea Buckthorn Brandy 43 % vol
Intensely fruity Sea Buckthorn Brandy with a fine marzipan note.
- Hausschnaps Marille - Apricot Schnapps 34 % vol
The Original from the Schnapps-Prinz with the unmistakable apricot flavour.
- Alte Haselnuss - Old Hazelnut Schnapps 41 % vol
Select hazelnuts from our in-house roasting facilities ensure the unique taste of this schnapps.
- Pflümli Schnaps - Plum Schnapps 40,0 % vol
Traditional schnapps speciality with house plums from standard trees.
- Alter Bodensee-Apfel - Old Lake Constance Apple Schnapps 41 % vol
With the typical taste of sun-ripened apples from the Leiblachtal valley.