Search results for: 'made die die drink t fresh liqueur'
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- Nobilant Kakao Liqueur - Nobilant Cocoa Liqueur 37,7 % vol
Crystal-clear drink made from fine cocoa bean distillate - for gentlemen
- Holunderblüten Likör - Elderflower Liqueur 18 % vol.
The finely fragrant blossom speciality, made to an old family recipe.
- Nobilant Orange Liqueur - Nobilant Orange Liqueur 37,7 % vol
Powerful speciality liqueur made with pure orange distillate - for gentlemen
- Nobilady Kakao-Marillen Liqueur - Nobilady Cocoa-Apricot Liqueur 17,7 % vol
Indulgent fine cocoa bean distillate, kissed by juicy-sweet apricots.
- Alte Kirsche - Old Cherry Schnapps 41 % vol
The incomparable taste of juicy cherries paired with a fine wood barrel note.
- Alter Bodensee-Apfel - Old Lake Constance Apple Schnapps 41 % vol
With the typical taste of sun-ripened apples from the Leiblachtal valley.