Search results for: 'manner likeur'
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- Erdbeer Limes - Strawberry Limes 16 % vol
The perfect ingredient for refreshing drinks with sun-ripened strawberries.
- Haselnuss Schnaps - Hazelnut Schnapps 40 % vol
The schnapps with delicate roasted nut aromas from the best hazelnuts.
- Alte Haselnuss - Old Hazelnut Schnapps 41 % vol
Select hazelnuts from our in-house roasting facilities ensure the unique taste of this schnapps.
- Marillen Limes - Apricot Limes 16 % vol
The ingredient for sophisticated drink creations with fully ripe apricots from the best locations.
- Mango Limes - Mango Limes 16 % vol
Summertime is Limes time: sun-drenched fruits and fragrant aromas make this Limes something very special.
- Himbeer Limes - Raspberry Limes 16 % vol
The fruity drinking enjoyment with juicy-sweet raspberries from the best locations.
- Kirschen Limes - Cherry Limes 16 % vol
Enchants with its dark red colour and its scent of cherries and marzipan.
- Himbeerla - Raspberry Schnapps 34 % vol
With the distillate and characteristic taste of selected raspberries.
- Hafele Meisterwurz Geist - Hafele Masterwort Brandy 45 % vol
With the intense, spicy scent of the ancient medicinal plant from the Alps.
- Alte Wald-Himbeere - Old Forest Raspberry Schnapps 41 % vol
The taste of raspberries and the refined oaky note are an unbeatable combination.