Search results for: 'shot'
- Scotch Cream - Scotch Cream Liqueur 16 % vol
This chocolate liqueur with a shot of the best whisky simply always tastes good.
- Prinzalinen Likör verfeinert mit Marc de Champagne Trüffel - Truffle Liqueur 15 % vol
The ladies' favourite among the creams and liqueurs with thetaste of finest pralines.
- Himbeer Limes - Raspberry Limes 16 % vol
The fruity drinking enjoyment with juicy-sweet raspberries from the best locations.
- Hexenkräuter - Hexenkräuter Liqueur 48 % vol
The bitter with the power of over 48 herbs! Burns brightly when lit.
- Rum-Chocolate 40 % vol
Sweet and tart rum liqueur with sophisticated distillate of South American cocoa beans.
- Marillen Schnaps - Apricot Schnapps 40 % vol
Full-bodied schnapps made from sweet, juicy fruit with a particularly long finish.
- Nobilant Kaffee Liqueur - Nobilant Coffee Liqueur 37,7 % vol
Gentlemen's liqueur with the distillate of highly aromatic Arabica beans.