Search results for: 'Grundheim'
- Wild Himbeer Likör - Wild Raspberry Liqueur 16 % vol
Highly aromatic liqueur made from hand-picked wild raspberries.
- Cassis Likör - Cassis Liqueur 20 % vol
The fruity liqueur with the slightly tart notes of blackcurrant.
- Hafele Sanddorn Brand - Hafele Sea Buckthorn Brandy 43 % vol
Intensely fruity Sea Buckthorn Brandy with a fine marzipan note.
- Hausschnaps Marille - Apricot Schnapps 34 % vol
The Original from the Schnapps-Prinz with the unmistakable apricot flavour.
- Nobilant Kaffee Liqueur - Nobilant Coffee Liqueur 37,7 % vol
Gentlemen's liqueur with the distillate of highly aromatic Arabica beans.