Search results for: 'die'
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- die prinz prinz prinz prinz prinz
- Rum Coconut - Rum Coconut Liqueur 40 % vol
Specialty rum with the exotic taste of coconuts
- Wintertraum - Winter Dream Gift Box
With Baked Apple Liqueur, Baked Apple Jam & Baked Apple Chocolate in a high-quality gift box.
- Gamsblut - Gamsblut Sloe Liqueur 23 % vol
The intense enjoyment of wild berries and fine tart sloes.
- Marillen Schnaps - Apricot Schnapps 40 % vol
Full-bodied schnapps made from sweet, juicy fruit with a particularly long finish.
- Rosen-Marillen Likör - Rose Apricot Liqueur 25 % vol
With the seductive taste of a special apricot variety.
- Himbeer Limes - Raspberry Limes 16 % vol
The fruity drinking enjoyment with juicy-sweet raspberries from the best locations.
- Obst Schnaps - Obst Schnapps 40 % vol
Full-bodied fruit schnapps made from the best apples and pears.
- Nobilady Orange-Kokosnuss Liqueur - Nobilady Orange-Coconut 17,7 % vol
Exotic liqueur enyojment with the taste of sun-ripened oranges, kissed by fine coconut.